Go Great Circle

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Big Bang: in Celebration of the forthcoming Fourth

Fireworks/Mimosa (c) by Kirk Jordan

Images from Independence Day Celebrations 2004, 2005 (Delaware, Wyoming, Arkansas)

Friends of the Mighty Works Project will note that it has been a long time between sends. And the next gap may be longer. I will be taking a vacation with family in New Mexico this next week ... So, forgive the rerun, but look forward to some desert fare.

Question: Do they have a Fourth of July in England?

Answer: yes, and a Fifth, and a Sixth too.


Your vote:

Attention all photographers and lovers of photography. The Arkansas Democrat Gazette is holding a wonderful "Capture Arkansas" contest -- that will culminate in a coffee table book and DVD. If you are a photographer with images of Arkansas, you should consider entry. And I (Kirk Jordan) would appreciate your votes and comments on my entries. Please feel free to go to http://www.capturearkansas.com/ and enter the fray. (I have been astonished both by the number of entries and the quality of the submissions. Our state is blessed with lots of first-rate photographers.)


The Mighty Works Project exists to affirm that nations -- like persons, are given their life by God -- who can as readily remove them from their stand.

(Dear, that was kind of grave ... Where did that come from?)


  1. Wow, you have at least two of the best looking blog sites I have seen. I ran into your work on Capture Arkansas with "a veteran remembers" and was taken by this so I thought I would check out your site. WOW!

  2. Ran across your blog becasue you like Glenn Kaiser - I will stay because of the lovely photography.

  3. Kirk, I was one of the admins for Capture Arkansas and I've been following up on the project by researching blogs to see how people have responded to the final project. I would love to know your thoughts about the completed book.

    Also, it is great to see your faith in your blog, something we share. Our world just screams His might works, doesn't it?! He is amazing.

  4. Hey Tim

    Here is a letter I wrote to a promotional person at the Democrat Gazzette. I have some other thoughts that I would post if you sent me a private E-mail. (As is, your blogger profile doesn't allow response.)

    Dear xxx (November 4th or so)

    I just wanted to extend a note of thanks to you and the others who made the Capture Arkansas book possible. (If you could pass this note on to others on the Democrat Gazette side who made this work, I would be appreciative.)

    The editors had a very tough job slogging through that much fine
    photography. I must confess that there is a lot of stellar work that I saw during the contest that isn't in the book. But then you would have to double the size or price to include it. (I would even tell you that the picture I was awarded for one of one of my less favorites...I would have
    given up that spot for a woman I met this Saturday who wasn't in the book and very much wanted to be there.) However, the book as a package is stunning. I see numerous places where the layout sings, and the choices in combination with each other make real sense. Capture Arkansas represents various facets of the state well, and I will be most pleased to give it as a
    gift. (Actually, my mom will as she bought five copies.) It seems that those who made the final choices had high standards and placed a premium on photographic quality, sometimes over sentiment. I have yet to sit down for my extended DVD watch but am eager to see what is presented there.

    I do not envy those who made the final decisions, but again, wanted to thank the DemGaz for their sponsorship. Perhaps you could make a second book or third book, given to smiling babies or waterfalls!

    On the personal side, I appreciate the opportunity you gave me to present my photography to a larger audience. The contest has only wet my appetite to go try more of the kind of photography that made your pages. Beyond that, I
    made several new friends.

    Thank you.

    Kirk Jordan
