Go Great Circle

Showing posts with label Mimosa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mimosa. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Big Bang: in Celebration of the forthcoming Fourth

Fireworks/Mimosa (c) by Kirk Jordan

Images from Independence Day Celebrations 2004, 2005 (Delaware, Wyoming, Arkansas)

Friends of the Mighty Works Project will note that it has been a long time between sends. And the next gap may be longer. I will be taking a vacation with family in New Mexico this next week ... So, forgive the rerun, but look forward to some desert fare.

Question: Do they have a Fourth of July in England?

Answer: yes, and a Fifth, and a Sixth too.


Your vote:

Attention all photographers and lovers of photography. The Arkansas Democrat Gazette is holding a wonderful "Capture Arkansas" contest -- that will culminate in a coffee table book and DVD. If you are a photographer with images of Arkansas, you should consider entry. And I (Kirk Jordan) would appreciate your votes and comments on my entries. Please feel free to go to http://www.capturearkansas.com/ and enter the fray. (I have been astonished both by the number of entries and the quality of the submissions. Our state is blessed with lots of first-rate photographers.)


The Mighty Works Project exists to affirm that nations -- like persons, are given their life by God -- who can as readily remove them from their stand.

(Dear, that was kind of grave ... Where did that come from?)