Go Great Circle

Showing posts with label Southern Magnolia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Southern Magnolia. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Magnolia Graniflora

The Southern Magnolia, or Magnolia grandiflora must be one of the most photographed blooms on the planet... And with good reason.   It is simply hard to imagine anything that big, and floppy and elegant.  The petals remind me of Chinese soup ladels.

All pics, t(c) Kirk Jorand and taken on the morning of May 12, 2010. For more variety, from years past check our my sister site, ID Arkansas, with a co-special on this startling bloom.

The Mighty Works Project exists to run wonder into the ground... if only wonder would submit, but it has a way of refusing.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Water World Sundries: 05/30/07

Mighty Wet Mix (c) by Kirk Jordan

All pics end of May, Central AR.


It is hard to believe that a single Spring freeze (Easter Weekend) could knock out as much flora as it would appear, but it seems like our wild-flower count is still way below the norm... or I am simply failing to see what I have already seen!


New Project:

I know that I am always announcing new intents, and don't always follow through with those, however I have just started a new "project" that I will give myself a few years to complete. It is my goal to create a synopsis/outline called a Cursory Guide to the Kingdom Arts. The list would provide a brief introduction and related web-links to hundreds of artisans, writers. poets, painters etc, who loved God (or wrestled with Him) even as they created.

This last week I have spent reading poems by George Herbert (1593-1633).

For remainder see:
