Go Great Circle

Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weather. Show all posts

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Odd Fog

A little late in posting, all pics Feb 12th off of Maumelle Blvd, Maumelle, AR.

What made this fog odd, is not so much the wonderful way in smeared the trees, but the fact (beyond easy recording) that it dismantled so fast. Just after taking these the sun broke the top of the tree line and kicked the fog right out of there.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Coming Storm

Sunday Night Storm, 6/15/08

From the parking lot field of New Life Christian Church, Conway, AR

and yes, it was scary-fun.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Chariots of Water

He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters; He makes the clouds His chariot; He walks upon the wings of the wind.

(Psalm 104: 2-4)

All pics, May 13, 2008 from the commute into work approaching Little Rock, Arkansas.

In a perfect world these clouds would have happened behind a beautiful Arkansas bluff. (They probably did, but I wasn't there.) So I pulled my car to the side of the Interstate and took these from a mound in an cloverleaf loop (I-430 /Maumelle) and tired to cut out the clutter.

For the purists among you, most of these are enhanced. The cloud play is very real, but I have darkened and dodged for effect.

This particular storm did not produce any tornadoes, but this season has certainly eclipsed any I remember for tornado activity.

For more on the Purple Vetch in frame 6, see:

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Half Dome: 121907

Dome Zone and "Moment" poem (c) by Kirk Jordan

Today's Mighty Work features the back side of the Arkansas State Capitol, photographed chronologically from early November to mid December, with the Maples in the first frame giving way to the late falling Bradford Pear in the latter. With exception of the storm pic, each photo depicts the glow of the setting sun, as cast upon the western face.

As is, Christmas time is a special high use time for the Capitol, as thousands upon thousands of school children come and offer gifts of choral song. And while I have gotten a bit used to it, there are those moments (like the one referenced below ) in which the seasonal mill gives way to the truly awe inspiring.

Moment. 11/30/2001, 12:61PM


The planets stood in line
like a key in a lock
and the stars spelled out
fantastical words.

Today, for one brief moment,
no one bled, and the dailies
all fell silent as the bullets shimmied
backward up the barrels.

Today, on my lunch break
a choir of
local teenage angels from the Benton High-school choral
to a crowd of five,
lifting splendiferous voices like
some organic pipe-organ
into the dome,
and singing:

Oh, come let us adore Him.

Today there
was an extra minute
on the clock.

Borrowed from


Monday, July 16, 2007

Water World 7/16/07

Palace of Pour (c) by Kirk Jordan

Pic 1: June 2006
Pics 2-5: July 2007

All Pics, central Arkansas.

While by no means at the same levels that have saturated parts of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas, we have seen our share of shake and bluster in the last weeks.

As is, my job often takes me to the air, and until last week, we could see a clear line of demarcation as the western- most part of Arkansas (Rogers, Springdale, Fort Smith ) was awash in wide rivers and Kelly green, even as our eastern Mississippi River side went tawny. Turns out our neighbors to the west were getting hammered by a North-bound gully wash straight out of the Gulf, even as our neighbors to the east (Tennessee and Alabama) knew drought. But now it seems that the old wind patterns are picking up, which should mean wetter winds headed east and south.

The Mighty Works Project exists to consider the disparity of blessing... and harm.


From the original e-mail

A Cursory Guide to the Kingdom Arts, #4 - Saint Patrick

“Thank you” to the many who responded favorably to the last edition, as we looked at the poetry of Ruth Bell-Graham (1920-2007). This week we jump back roughly 1600 years to a prayerful poem attributed to the missionary “Saint” Patrick, a firebrand in the quiver of God.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Water World Sundries: 05/30/07

Mighty Wet Mix (c) by Kirk Jordan

All pics end of May, Central AR.


It is hard to believe that a single Spring freeze (Easter Weekend) could knock out as much flora as it would appear, but it seems like our wild-flower count is still way below the norm... or I am simply failing to see what I have already seen!


New Project:

I know that I am always announcing new intents, and don't always follow through with those, however I have just started a new "project" that I will give myself a few years to complete. It is my goal to create a synopsis/outline called a Cursory Guide to the Kingdom Arts. The list would provide a brief introduction and related web-links to hundreds of artisans, writers. poets, painters etc, who loved God (or wrestled with Him) even as they created.

This last week I have spent reading poems by George Herbert (1593-1633).

For remainder see:
